- Pagers: Pagers CANNOT be left unintended. This is a major patient safety issue. Please make sure that your pagers are on you at all times, and are on ring (not vibrate).
- EOC: You MUST have your phone on ring if you are on EOC and must respond to calls from the chief resident. Failure to do so may result in additional EOC time.
- If your phone number changes, you must update Casey.
- Sign-Out: When leaving or coming on to a service you must complete sign-out. This is another patient safety concern.
- Duty Hours: If you feel that you are coming close to a duty hour violation, contact your site specific chief immediately for assistance (chief on call if the weekend).
- Morning Report: Will start on Monday at 8:00a at the following locations. Please arrive early to ensure that you are able to attend AM Report and are prepared to round immediately after.
- BGMC: CTRC (GVI building) room 7002 (7th floor in front of the elevators)
- ECMC: Noyes Conference Room
- VA: In the team rooms for now (all of which have cameras and microphones)
- AHD: The chiefs and I will be holding a mini Town Hall meeting during AHD this week. We will be reviewing expectations, changes to the EOC policy, educational allowances, and the didactic attendance policy.
“Change is the essential process of all existence.” – Mr. Spock (courtesy of Lucas, a self-proclaimed Trekkie)
We are currently recruiting members for our IM Resident Committee!
"The Internal Medicine Resident Committee (IMRC) is a resident-run committee comprised of representatives selected by the chief residents. The overall goals of the IMRC are to facilitate personal and professional development of our residents and the program, enhance communication amongst residents, chief residents, program leadership and administration, foster an environment of team work and collegiality and serve as a voice for the resident body." UB IM Website
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month every 2 months via zoom. For the first half of the academic year, we have the following meeting dates and times:
August 19 at 5PM
October 21 at 5PM
December 16 at 5PM
If interested in joining this committee, please submit your nomination (you may self-nominate) by Friday, 8/6/21 using the following form:
Specifically, we are looking for 4 members of the PGY1 and PGY2 class, 1 member of the prelim class, and 2 members of the med/peds class (a PGY1/2 and a PGY3/4).
Previous IM Resident Committee members interested in staying on the committee are also asked to resubmit the nomination form.
Remon |
We have another great volunteer opportunity! UB HEALS street rounds on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:45-9:45PM. See flyer below for more info! Here is the sign up form:
UB HEALS Physician Volunteering
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. If possible, please try to sign up for a date that no one else has signed up for. Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with us and we are looking forward to having you on rounds! |
● What we do & who we are (Our team)
Medical students, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and social workers doing street
outreach for the homeless population of Buffalo.
● Our mission
Our goal is to bridge the gap that exists between people experiencing homelessness in Buffalo
and the local healthcare system.
● What to expect
You may speak to people about both medical and non-medical concerns. Feel free to offer
snacks, water, and any other supplies to those who need it.
● Frequently Asked Questions
○ Where and when do we meet?
The Washington St entrance at the Jacobs School of Medicine downtown campus at 6:45pm.
○ What should we wear?
Comfortable, casual clothing for walking and appropriate for outdoor weather.
○ What should we bring?
Stethoscope, face mask, goggles, and a small bag if needed.
○ How do we travel?
You will typically drive with an executive board member or by yourself to the bus station on
Ellicott and Division after meeting at the medical school.
○ What is expected?
Supervise students while speaking with patients, and aid if any medical care is needed. Be open
minded and respectful of space and comfort.
● Contact Info
Caitlin Wuebbolt – External Assistant Program Manager
Phone: (716) 720-6761
Email: cmwuebbo
Emilie Christie – Street Rounds Manager
Phone: (716) 450-0422
Email: emiliech |
July Birthdays’
Jason Kartis
Clare Martin
Clarice Lin
Austin Milbrand
Mazen Jizzini
Carrol Pinelo
Murad Ali
Jordan Troy
Alexandra Tibil
Kishore Mani
Ross Moyer |